To optimally meet these requirements, we opted for a multisite platform based on Pimcore with CoreShop. This solution allowed us to bundle all websites in a common environment, while individual customisations for each company remained possible. The centralised administration facilitated the maintenance of content (news, team, etc.) and the dynamic creation of product data sheets and newsletters. The new platform reduces the administrative effort and ensures that all information is up-to-date and consistent. The multilingual feature allows the SSZ Group to target all its customers and ensure a seamless user experience. CoreShop enabled efficient organisation and presentation of the different products, so that customers could find the products that were relevant to them. With this customised solution, we created a powerful, flexible and scalable web platform that meets the individual requirements of all three companies.
By implementing a multisite platform based on Pimcore and CoreShop, we were able to create a central, flexible and scalable solution that can be customised for each company. The shared environment facilitates content management, automates the creation of product data sheets and newsletters and reduces administrative effort. Multilingualism ensures a comprehensive customer approach, while CoreShop supports efficient product presentation. This customised platform fulfils the individual requirements of companies and offers a future-proof basis for further growth.